Wicked Ferocity Guild Blog

Welcome to to the Wicked Ferocity Guild Blog.

We are a level 25 World of Warcraft Alliance Guild on Cenarion Circle.

The aim of the Guild is to make new friends,
participate in end game content and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

"Grant me the strength to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." - Archmage Antonidas

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Must have addon : GTFO

Get it here

GTFO provides an audible alert when you're standing in something you're not supposed to be standing in. In some cases, you'll be warned before you start taking damage. This mod improves your situational awareness and is recommended for dungeon divers and raiders of all skill levels as even the most seasoned veteran sometimes needs a reminder to GTFO.
It's particularly useful for individuals that play with their spell graphics turned down as well as assisting with PvP when you can't tell who's casting the AOE.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

The Wall : write anything in here

Post a comment about anything - tips and tricks , places to see - things to do etc etc and as we go I will add pages and topics
