Wicked Ferocity Guild Blog

Welcome to to the Wicked Ferocity Guild Blog.

We are a level 25 World of Warcraft Alliance Guild on Cenarion Circle.

The aim of the Guild is to make new friends,
participate in end game content and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

"Grant me the strength to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." - Archmage Antonidas

Guild, Vent & Raiding Rules

Guild Rules
1. Have Fun

2. Respect  and understand we all are at different skill levels of the game. If you see somebody doing something wrong whisper them some helpful advice  rather then in guild / party / raid chat

3. Stuff in the guild bank is for Guildies to use and level with , selling stuff  from there is not cool

4. You are part of this guild and all "public" activity reflects back on the guild so remeber that before     streaking  thru stormwind  etc

5. Refrain from , racist, sexist or inappropiate language in guild , raid , party chat and remeber you are representing the guild when in in a public forum , trade , general or pugs etc

6. Have Fun :)

Vent Rules
The guild has a vent server that is paid for by a guild member - it is not free

  • 1. Ensure the Language rules are adhered to as outlined above
  • 2. The Lobby is a open party chat for everyone to use, please do not "hog " airtime, if you need to have an indepth -drop down to another channel
  • 3. The instance and Raid channels are for groups in dungeons/raids and as such please respect that.
  • 4. We reserve the right of access to the server, we will only warn you so many times for rule violations.

                                                     Raid Rules &  requirements
* Have Fun

* Must have vent - no vent = no raid

* Required GS to que I believe is 340 (346+ would be ideal) so thats what you need and most would agree 10K dps is what you need to be hitting. (Can't get your ilvl or dps up? Talk to your fellow guild members. We're here to help each other). 

*  The Raid Leader and Raid assistant have the final say on how things are done, the fights can be somewhat complicated and will take time to work out the best way to do it.

* Guest raiders are expected to follow guild rules especially language and rule above. If you are inviting friends they are your responsibilty.

*Enchanted, Gemmed and with flasks - ask in guild if you need help or check out - the best in show post where we will be sharing Toons to look at in regards to Best Talents - Gear - enchants - Gems etc

*Learning Curve - We will learn the fights and kick ass - being patient, helpful and supportive will speed up the process

* The Cata Loot will be done by Master Looter and /rolls including BOE drops

* Take time to watch the videos and learn what you need to do ie come prepared, this is a test of your skills

* We have lots of Dps and will endeavor to take you all be patient while we continue to grow to power 2-3 raid groups

* Always open to suggestions on doing things better or a different way so don't be shy

-The Most Wicked
(Thanks Paldane)